- Daycare/Boarding Module Calendar
- Training Module Calendar
- What is the difference between a User and an Employee?
- Do I have to pay the monthly hosting fee?
- What does the monthly fee cover?
- How do I integrate DogBizPro with my existing website?
- Can I Import My Current Data?
- Can I email the entire client data base from within the software somehow?
- How do I change the default image that is used for Facebook sharing?
- Classes vs. Events
- I changed a client from one class to another, how do I update the transaction information?
- Reasons Why Events Might Not Appear in the Client Portal
- Regardless of what type (class, private, etc) a client wants to register for, does the Training Waiver pop up so they have to agree to it?
- How do I move a client to another class?
- Why is my class registration page showing "N/A Spots Remaining"?
- What are Alerts?
- How do I adjust the options I can check for what a dog is doing (i.e. classes, therapy, private)?
- Why are my emails not getting sent?
- How do I setup a Referral Source for Registrations?
- Why can't I find a dog in a specific module?