Scheduling Therapy

Scheduling Therapy Appointments

There are several ways to get to the Schedule Therapy window

  1. From inside the Therapy module-->Calendar page click the Schedule Therapy icon.
  2. From inside of the Therapy module-->Schedule page click the Schedule Therapy icon.

The Schedule Therapy Window

From here you can schedule dogs for therapy appointments.

About the Fields

  1. Option: this is the daycare option you scheduling. You can customize the Sign-Up Options on the Therapy Settings page in the Admin Module.
  2. Title: this field can be used if you want to add a specific name for this scheduled appointment.
  3. Client: here is where you will choose the owner of the dog for which you are scheduling the appointment.
  4. Dog: here is where you will select the dog you are scheduling.
  5. Start Time: here you will enter the start date and time of the appointment (if this is not going to repeat)
  6. End Time: here you will enter the end date and time of the appointment (if this is not going to repeat)
  7. Repeat: this is where you will choose how often and in what structure this repeats.
  8. Start Date: this is the starting date and time of the appointment.
  9. Duration: this is the length of each session.
  10. Repeat Indefinitely/Repeat Until/Repeat X Times:
    1. Repeat Indefinitely means this appointment will go on forever.
    2. Repeat Until means that this appointment will repeat until a specified date.
    3. Repeat X Times means this appointment will repeat the specified number of times.

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