Class Registration List Views

Class Registration List Views

If you wanted to change the way your classes will display for your clients on the registration portal, it can be done by the following steps. First, you will start by going into your Admin Module and clicking on the Setup tab. Once inside you will be clicking on Online Registration and then from the sub menu select Configuration.

This will bring you to your Online Registration Configuration page. From inside of this page, you can setup and edit all your settings for online registration. On this page you will want to look for the section called Class Registration, and inside this section you will want to look for the option called Class registration list style:

This option gives you three different views to choose from for how your classes will display on the registration portal. The three views are:

Session View - This option will have your classes display in an upcoming session view. This will only show weekly upcoming sessions of your class and clients will click the Sign-up button to sign-up for that class.

All Class View - This option will have ALL of your classes show, even if no sessions are available for that class. The client would click View Sessions to be brought to that class’s specific portal page. From this page, they will be able to click the Details & Sign-Up button in the upcoming sessions section. That will bring them to the specific session page and from there, they can click the Sign-up button to sign-up for that class.

Available Class View – This option will have classes which ONLY have available sessions show. The client would click View Sessions to be brought to that class’s specific portal page. From this page, they will be able to click Details & Sign-Up in the upcoming sessions section. That will bring them to the specific session page and from there, they can click the Sign-up button to sign-up for that class.

Once you have selected a view that works for you, click the Save button to save your changes. You have now successfully changed the way your classes will display on the registration portal.


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