Working with Classes

Working With Classes

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Our software helps you manage your class information and scheduling in one location.

Searching For Classes

The Classes tab is where all of your scheduled class information can be found. You can use the search to locate the specific class or classes you are looking for. Below is a description of how the class search works. The search criteria is saved individually for each user so the next time you login you will see your customized search.

Search Fields

  1. Date - This drop down lets you choose how you are going to specify the date range. By choosing one of the predefined options - Previous, Current or Upcoming you will always see those classes when you login. If you choose Custom you can choose the date range you want to search for. Those dates will be saved as your search criteria.
  2. Starts: This specifies the starting date and option to search for. The option 'Before' matches any class that starts before the specified date. The option 'On' matches only classes that begins on the specified date. The option 'After' matches any classes that begins after the specified date. The The option 'Any' can be used to match on any start date for a class. It effectively ignores the date specified in the box.
  3. Ends: This specifies the ending date and option to search for. The option 'Before' matches any class that ends before the specified date. The option 'On' matches only classes that ends on the specified date. The option 'After' matches any classes that ends after the specified date. The option 'Any' can be used to match on any end date for a class. It effectively ignores the date specified in the box.
  4. Type - This drop down lets you specify the type of class(es) you wish to search for. Standard will match the regular weekly class type. Modularized is for that special class type.
  5. Category - This drop down lets you specify the class category you wish to search for.
  6. Instructor - This drop down lets you specify the instructor you wish to search for.
  7. Location - This drop down lets you specify the location you wish to search for.


You can sort the class list on Title, Location, Instructor, Start Date and End Date. To sort by a column click on that column heading. The list will be sorted in ascending order by that column. To sort descending, just click the same column heading again.

Class Details

Once you have found the class you are looking for, you can click on the class in question to navigate to the specific class page. This will take you to the class page and from inside of this page you can view the roster, details, etc.  for that specific class. Below we will cover some of the main aspects of this page.


- Edit Button - Clicking this button will bring up the Schedule Class window allowing you to change the scheduling details for this particular class.

- View/Edit Upcoming Occurrences button - Clicking this button will bring up the Expanded Dates window. From inside of this window, you can view and edit upcoming occurrences of this class. You can also use the "Deleted/Exception" view of the Expanded Dates window to restore deleted occurrences or restore previously edited occurrences.

- Duplicate Button - Clicking this button will bring up the Duplicate Class window. From inside of this window, you are able to create a duplicate version of this class starting on a new date.

- Registration Button - Clicking this button will allow you to register a dog for this class.

- Note Button - Clicking this button will allow you add a note for this class.

- Link Button - Clicking this icon will popup a window that will contain the registration link for this class. You can use this link to paste into your website or any emails you send out to allow your clients direct access to register for this class.

- Email Button - Clicking this button will allow you to send an email to every client registered for this class.

- Roster Preview Button - Clicking this button will generate a preview of the printable roster.

- Print Roster Button - Clicking this button will generate a printable list of the class attendees.

- Email Roster Button - Clicking this will allow you to email the class roster as a .pdf attachment to the instructor or another email address.

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