Scheduling Private Training Openings

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The first thing you need to do is setup your Private Training Options. Once you have setup your private training sign-up options, you could now setup your private training openings. In order to schedule a private training opening, you would want to navigate to your Training module-->Calendar page. Once you are inside of that page, you would want to click on the Openings button in order to be taken to your private training opening calendar.

Opening Calendar

From inside the opening calendar, you are able to schedule new openings or edit existing ones. If you wanted create a new opening, you could click on the Schedule Opening icon.

After you have clicked on Schedule Opening, a new window should now be appearing. This window is called your Schedule Private Training Opening window.

The Schedule Private Training Opening Window

From the Schedule Private Training Opening window you can schedule openings for private training by using the fields that are provided.

About the Fields

  1. Title: this field defaults to Private Training Opening and does not need to be changed.
  2. Start Time: here you will enter the start date and time of the opening (if this is not going to repeat)
  3. End Time: here you will enter the end date and time of the opening (if this is not going to repeat)
  4. Repeat: this is where you will choose how often and in what structure this repeats.
  5. Start Date: this is the starting date and time of the opening.
  6. Duration: this is the length of each session.
  7. Repeat Indefinitely/Repeat Until/Repeat X Times:
    • Repeat Indefinitely means this class will go on forever.
    • Repeat Until means that this class will repeat until a specified date.
    • Repeat X Times means this class will repeat the specified number of times.
  8. Location: this is the location at which the opening will take place.
  9. Instructor: this is the instructor scheduled for this opening.
  10. Sign-up Options Allowed for this Opening: this section allows you to control what sign-up options are available for this opening.

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