Confirming Registrations

Confirming Registrations

If you have Online Registration setup, your clients can register for classes, events, private training and more online.

You can see all of your new pending online registrations on our Pending Registrations page. To view the Pending Registrations page, you would just want to navigate to your Training module-->Home page. Once inside, you can click the View All button found beneath the "Pending Registration" preview section.

From there, you can click the three line icon next to the registration in question. A small icon list should now be showing.

- Confirm Registration. If you have configured and assigned a confirmation auto-responder, then an email will be automatically sent to the client notifying them that their registration has been confirmed.

- Confirm a registration without sending an auto-responder.

- Put on the Waiting List. If you have configured an auto-responder an email will be automatically sent to the client notifying them that they have been added to the waiting list.

- Delete the registration.

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