Creating a Document

Creating a Document

To add a new document:

  1. Navigate to the Documents tab in the Training, Daycare or Therapy module.
  2. Click on the New Document icon.
  3. Enter in the title in the Title textbox.
  4. Fill out the information for the new document.
  5. Click Save.

To upload a new document:

  1. Navigate to the Documents tab in the Training, Daycare or Therapy module.
  2. Click on the Upload Document icon.
  3. Click on the Select button to search your computer for that document.
  4. Enter in the title in the Title textbox.
  5. Click Save.

To edit an existing document:

  1. Navigate to the Documents tab in the Training, Daycare or Therapy module.
  2. Click on the document title.
  3. Click on the Edit Document icon
  4. Make any needed changes to the document information.
  5. Click Save.

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