Dogs > Working with Dogs

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The dog information page is where all of a dog's information is displayed.  From this page you can manage all of the the dog's information and easily navigate back to their owner's information page as well. Here we will cover some of the main aspects of this page.


 Client Button - Clicking this button will take you to the owner's information page.

 Edit Button - Clicking this button will bring up the Edit Dog window.

 Registration Button - Clicking this button will allow you to register the dog for a class.

 Schedule Button - Clicking this button will bring up the Schedule Event window with this dog's information already populated.

 Vaccine Button - Clicking this button will allow you to add a vaccine record for this dog.

 Note Button - Clicking this button will allow you add a note to this dog's record.

 Merge Button - Clicking this button pulls up a list of dogs with similar names so you can merge this dog account with another in case a dog has two accounts.

 Print Button - Clicking this button print a dog information sheet containing this dogs information.


Classes: The classes tab displays all of the classes this dog is currently enrolled in as well as past classes they have taken.

Vaccines: The vaccines tab displays all of the dog's vaccine records.

Notes: The notes tab displays all of the dog's notes. This section is useful to track additional information about the dog and their progress.

History: The history tab displays all of the classes, events and private training this dog has attended. This is a great place to track a dog's progress through your programs.


 This will be displayed when there is an alert or action needed for this dog. It could signify an expired vaccination.

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